Herman Northrop Frye CC FRSC (July 14, 1912 – January 23, 1991) was a Canadian literary critic and literary theorist, considered one of the most influential ...
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Northrop Frye

Canadisk litteraturkritiker
Herman Northrop Frye CC FRSC var en canadisk litteraturkritiker og litteraturteoretiker, betragtet som en af de mest indflydelsesrige i det 20. århundrede. Frye opnåede international berømmelse med sin første bog, Fearful Symmetry, som førte til... Wikipedia (engelsk)
Født: 14. juli 1912, Sherbrooke, Canada
Død: 23. januar 1991, Toronto, Canada
Ægtefælle: Elizabeth Brown (g. 1988–1991) og Helen Kemp (g. 1937–1986)
7. dec. 2024 · Northrop Frye was a Canadian educator and literary critic who wrote much on Canadian literature and culture and became best known as one of ...
Born in Quebec but raised in New Brunswick, Frye studied at the University of Toronto and Victoria University. He was ordained to the ministry of the United ...
12. jan. 2024 · Frye's work is politically fascinating, a psychedelic Romantic defense of liberalism that should appeal in the present.
A professor of English at Victoria College at the University of Toronto since 1939, Frye achieved international recognition for his literary theories.
As a teacher and critic, Frye has never considered literature without defending its importance to life; he has valued Blake in particular for his service to “ ...
10. jul. 2024 · For two decades Northrop Frye has been urging his readers to-think about literature as a coherent order of words Which obeys, its own structural ...
Titles from Collected Works of Northrop Frye · Northrop Frye's Writings on Shakespeare and the Renaissance · Northrop Frye's Student Essays, 1932-1938 · Index to ...
Bedømmelse (123)
Northrop Frye was University Professor in the University of Toronto and Professor of English in Victoria College, University of Toronto. His books include ...