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inauthor: Ancient Learning fra
... In Author Vidal Monk's ancient vehicles? Strong wagon Bespeckle Desk set Item Scholar's test: See eye-to-eye Hurried off Church part Author Philip's fruit? Rom'an statesman. 234-149 B.C. Street show Ship's course Salmon or snapper.
inauthor: Ancient Learning fra
... Educational Book*— A Fortune of Nearly • l.OOO.OOO— Miscellaneous Lwculi ... ancient and modern languages and natural science, and It was here that she ... in author of works in geology, chemistry and natural - -- • - pmiosophy ...
inauthor: Ancient Learning fra
... study of the ancient Maori way of life. Lectures and museum displays on this subject attract large audiences. At the universities and teachers' training colleges, students have sought to Identify themselves with Maori students, learning ...
inauthor: Ancient Learning fra
... in author ing it, •lealth Department and Schools. A diiKgostmn thot certain ... school until the ommission had been notified of Ihe ap- lication and ... ancient Eastern failh added an unusually poij?nnnl picliiresqiieness lo Ihe ...
inauthor: Ancient Learning fra
... ancient examples of such education, and that scholars in other countries did study at their own cost and and and thought them fitting: lobe takenaway ,„,...... ^,~~ he use ! How these venerable asylums escaped from being sold with the ...
inauthor: Ancient Learning fra
... course, htmdruds of people bad to bo paid out <.f thnt." 11AI.LKT NAt.AJttKS. Talking of pnying people, Imro Kiralfy ... ancient bnlh'f h'f in author thor of law nud order."— der."— ((.hi,) i,) Journal,. of Y<H author ((.hi,). EDUCATIONAL.
inauthor: Ancient Learning fra
... learning using techniques of oratory and rhetoric. These debates were surely ... ancient techniques of oratory. The title itself is a near-perfect argumentum ... In author itive tones, one shifts the argument onto safe ground and ...
inauthor: Ancient Learning fra
... ancient game culosis Control, curling. Persons living or working in Author of 40 novels and some Longswamp and ... School from 2 to educated at Dartmouth. 8 p. m., announced Alice Coupe He was graduated from DartKemp, executive ...
inauthor: Ancient Learning fra
Five Plays Presented By Tech Drama Class Skill In Acting and In Author ship Shown In Season's Closing Exercises. Last night In the little Greek Theater of the school of design at Carnegie Institute of Technology the drama class, under ...
inauthor: Ancient Learning fra
... knowledge The ancients, too many of us assume, were a primitive, backward ... ancient civilizations with which Colin Konan concerns himself in this ... in author Ronan's book - a book in which he ably explores his dual Interests ...