“Literature speaks the language of the imagination, and the study of literature is supposed to train and improve the imagination.”
The pursuit of beauty is much more dangerous nonsense than the pursuit of truth or goodness, because it affords a stronger temptation to the ego.
Quotes · Man creates what he calls history as a screen to conceal the workings of the apocalypse from himself. · Nature is inside art as its content, not outside ...
“The simple point is that literature belongs to the world man constructs, not to the world he sees; to his home, not his environment.” — Northrop Frye.
The quote by Northrop Frye, "Literature illuminates the human experience and offers a glimpse into the depths of our souls," captures the transformative power ...
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The benefits of reading exceed what you get out of reading that one actual book. Forgive me for being an idealist, but great literature should make us more ...
“Nobody is capable of of free speech unless he knows how to use language, and such knowledge is not a gift: it has to learned and worked at.”
Writing: I certainly do rewrite my central myth in every book, and would never read or trust any writer who did not also do so. — Northrop Frye.
Art, on the other hand, begins with the world we construct, not with the world we see. It starts with the imagination, and then works toward ordinary experience ...
Even the biggest book is fragmentary: to finish anything, you have to cut your losses. Nobody every writes his dream book. Northrop Frye.