Giovanni Battista Vico var en italiensk historie- og retsfilosof, kendt for værket fra 1725 Scienza Nuova, "Den nye Videnskab", hvor han fremlægger en historieteori med fokus på historien som menneskeskabt og ikke skæbnebestemt. Wikipedia
Født: 23. juni 1668, Napoli, Italien
Død: 23. januar 1744, Napoli, Italien
Børn: Gennaro Vico
Forældre: Candida Masullo og Antonio Vico
Ægtefælle: Teresa Caterina Destito (g. 1699–1744)
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11. jun. 2003 · Giovanni Battista Vico (1668–1744) spent most of his professional life as Professor of Rhetoric at the University of Naples.
Giambattista Vico was an Italian philosopher, rhetorician, historian, and jurist during the Italian Enlightenment. He criticized the expansion and ...
Giambattista Vico is often credited with the invention of the philosophy of history. Specifically, he was the first to take seriously the possibility that ...
Giambattista Vico was an Italian philosopher of cultural history and law, who is recognized today as a forerunner of cultural anthropology, or ethnology.
Giovanni Battista (Giambattista) Vico or Vigo was an Italian political philosopher, rhetorician, historian, and jurist. A critic of modern rationalism and ...
Vico developed a philosophy of history which says that the historical development of any society is like that of an individual.
Giambattista Vico, (born June 23, 1668, Naples—died Jan. 23, 1744, Naples), Italian philosopher of cultural history and law.
This autobiography contains not only an account of the basic facts of Vico's personal and professional life, but also a good deal of interesting information ...
5. jun. 2019 · Giambattista Vico was a 17th and 18th century Italian lawyer and philosopher. He produced the work The New Science in 1725, one of the most ...
First published in 1935, The Life and Writings of Giambattista Vico is a succinct biography of the Italian philosopher, Giambattista Vico.