4,1/5 · Goodreads
Oprindelig udgivet: 1981
Forfatter: Northrop Frye
The Great Code: The Bible and Literature: Frye, Northrop
www.amazon.com › Great-Code-Bible-Literature
(121) · På lager
An examination of the influence of the Bible on Western art and literature and on the Western creative imagination in general. Frye persuasively presents ...
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Who wrote the Great Code?
Northrop Frye, long before the new wave of literary theory, was the first widely influential critic writing in English to conceive literature as a system and to ...
Considered by many to be Northrop Frye's magnum opus, The Great Code (1982) reflects a lifetime of thinking about the patterns and meanings of the Bible.
An examination of the influence of the Bible on Western art and literature and on the Western creative imagination in general. Frye persuasively presents ...
The Great Code is a powerfully structured and intricately detailed prose poem about the possibility of human love and freedom through a new kind of ...
An examination of the influence of the Bible on Western art and literature and on the Western creative imagination in general. Frye persuasively presents ...
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An examination of the influence of the Bible on Western art and literature and on the Western creative imagination in general. Frye persuasively presents ...
The Great Code is by no means a traditional Bible commentary, nor does Frye have specific theological points he wants to make.
Northrop Frye's avowed purpose in this book is to scrutinize the Bible from the point of view of a literary critic. He succeeds admirably without erring by.
Description. Considered by many to be Northrop Frye's magnum opus, The Great Code (1982) reflects a lifetime of thinking about the patterns and meanings of the Bible.