From Shark Tank to JWOW: One Man's Unbelievable Journey [Book]
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Format (nyt)
: Paperback
: Non-fiktion
: Religion
: James Mitchell
: Independently Published, paperback
A glimpse into one Entrepreneur's journey, leaving a company he built to accepting his "Calling"; motivated by belief that life is a gift, so to not be wasted or taken for granted! You'll see how his stubbornness and tenacity served him as he was led down the road of having to let go of dreams in how he thought they were to fulfill his purpose. You'll learn of four adversities in four short months that broke him down to complete surrender, to the point close friends pleaded with him to medicate. His faith alone at times all he had, would lead him through his personal desert as Job from the Bible then ultimately into his "God-purposed" Calling! You'll feel his pain, his desperate cries, his loneliness, his feelings of abandonment, rejection and frustration at not only what Shark Tank viewers unknowingly thought of him but his own shareholders, after rumors were created when he stepped away. His knowing the One who will never abandon, as long as he kept returning to Him, is all that kept him going in his loneliest times. This is a story not about religion, but rather about how this man relied on his faith when he had nothing and no one else to turn to.
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